Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Hiking the Green Mountains in Yong Jia area
谢灵云 Xie Ling-Yun(385-433)
With foods and light stick
On road to my retreat
Following the stream
Till its end, delighted
Cold feeling in waves
Frost on bamboo leaves
The water makes turns
Dense forest, heavy rocks
Twight east and west
New moon at sunset
When the day past
I learned my journey
Even appointed
I cling to values
Even peace in mind
insufficient pure
All seems to differ
Hoping there is ONE
Wisdom meets the quiet
Nourished nature
December 2024
谢灵云 Xie Ling-Yun
Walking with a broken willow branch*
Strong winds from the caves
Whistle over the snow
Winds will stop to blow
Snow not pure for long
Ice hardly melted
Autumn already
The hour hand is moving
The light is dying
Misfortune doesn’t stay
Peace might not return
Times turn endlessly
Silence, a wisdom
Note: “Broken willow branch” is the name of a song music, usually to express a sad farewell. In Ancient time poets often composed verses to fit into a specific music formula.
November 2024
Poem about my readingroom
谢灵云 385-433
End of Spring time
A quiet and secret pound
Flowers on stone trail
Old and new greens
Rest on fresh linens
Shadowed walkway
Past season still there
Suddenly summer
October 2024
Returning from my mountain writing room through the lake
Changes at dust and dawn
Mountain and water
So clear and pure lights
Enchant travellers
Early departure
On boat at sunset
Shadowed forest
And colorful clouds
Lotus with Rhombus
Cattails nearby wheats
From a southern trail
Admire eastern homes
Worriless, few needs
Content and in ease
To care about the health
Here might be a route
September 2024
Poem when working in the royal office
谢朓 (464-499)
This solemn palace
Large and bright hall
Wind through ancient trees
Penzai under the sun
Net shaped curtains
Nicely embroidered
Front yard peony
Mosse on the steps
Near the Phoenix Pond
Mandarins pass by
In vain this beauty
Not a home to rest
Missing my friends
And the Spring world
How to gain my wings
To fly to maintains
Note: 中书省: Royal secretary office
August 2024
《之宣城郡出新林浦向板桥》南北朝·谢朓 (464-499)*
“From Xuancheng county through Xinling floating bridge to Banqiao region near Jian Kang city”
Journey against the current
That Runs towards the sea
Returning boats at horizon
Waterfront trees through clouds
Penniless lonely traveler
With wondering thoughts
Missing elegant society
Dreaming eremite charm
By serving only in province
Dustless joy can be found
Even though less wild as mountain leopard
Merged into the foggy southern mountains
Note : The poet thought having found a compromise by accepting a position away from the capital city, therefore from the center of powers.
July 2024
“The Prince travelling afar”
Grass fine as silk carpet
Flowers on various trees
The spring is thus ending
Even if you could return
June 2024
《咏檐前竹诗》南北朝·沈约 (441-513)
"Song about bamboos in the front yard"
From dead enveloppe
Young branches with leaves
Cooling the front roof
A forested yard
Drips from windy night
Uneven moon light
Far from flowering lac
At a humble home
*Note: the verses 3-6 forms two parallels, each with different syntax. Rimed mostly with "i".
May 2024
嵇康 Ji Kang(223-263)
Flying high, o ancestor, ending in Ying mountains
Traveling with wind, o famous bandit, invited lovingly
Drinking dew, o, wearing morning haze
Graceful dance, o, free moves in the sky
All matters equal, o, in ease here above
Obeying to the divine rules, o, be it remaining or going
April 2024
许询 Xu Xun
《竹扇诗》Fan of Bamboo
Bamboos full of mind
Inspiring touches
Through cicada wings
A shadow of moon
March 2024
兰亭诗集 Collection from Blue Pavalion
谢安 (320 - 385)
Joyful gathering
Dressed with ease
Sunlight through thin clouds
Slowly birds flying
Perfume of wines
Timeless are minds
All is within One
Death and life are same
February 2024
Nu Wa’s Branches and stones
To fill the vast sea. (1)
With his shield and axe
Xing Tian’s will remains. (2)
Past passions in vain
Timing is over
Equal with the whole
Willing to be gone
1) Story about the legendary king Yan 炎帝’s. daughter 女娃 Nu Wa. She was draundedxxx when swimming in the eastern sea,then she became a giant bird that picks up branches and stones to fill the sea.
2) Story about god Xing Tian 刑天.He was killed by the king and buried in the mountain of Eternal Goat 常羊山。But the legend says he was still dancing with his shield and axe.
January 2024
杂诗 - 其十
Big dreams when resting
Time just kept flowing
Missions to missions
Till the east river
Dark days had nice smoke
Winds cheered the spirit
But years should run on
I quitted for long
Oxxx past attachments
All begone since long
A decade wasted
Within others’ net
Garden tree grown up
My youth shade away
December 2023
饮酒- 其十七
Wine - XVII
Fragrant orchards
In the deep garden
Distinguished by
A sudden fresh wind
Lost was the old road
Free walk to way out
Return awaken
Useless bow, birds gone
Nov 2023
归田园居 其三
Return to land III
South Mountain soya
High grass few seedlings*
Rise early to weed
Return at moonlight
Wildly narrow path
Night dew wet my clothes
Wetness isn't problem
Unaltered my plans
* The Five syllables form is very free grammatically. Almost every verse in this poem has different structure. In this pair, the original composition is as following:
- verb / noum / adverb about place
- noum / adjectif as verb / noum / adjectif as verb
October 2023
秋菊有佳色 (1)
邑(三点水 yi)露掇其英
Wines, IV
Bright mums in autumne*
Full of dew when picked
Soaked in wine such drink
Away from the world
Pot emptied alone
Cup filled again
All rest at sunset
Noisy birds return
Singing at east window
This new free life
菊,mum (chrysanthemum,word abbreviated in 1915 in the jargon of gardeners), one of the four plants considered throughout the history as noblest in China: 梅(plum flowers), 兰 (orchid),竹(bambu),菊。
September 2023
归园田居 - 其一
草屋八九间 (2)
"Return to land, I"
Uneasy to conform
But fond of mountains
Fallen in dusty nets
Thirty years are gone
Kept birds dream forest
Pond fishes miss the source(1)
Working southern land
Keeping the true self
About two acres
A few simple rooms(2)
Elm leaves touch back roof
Peach tree at front door
Vaguely villege afar
Softly cooking smoke rises(3)
Dogs heard from deep allays
Cocks sing under mulberries
Dustless our doorway
Leisuring empty home(4)
Caged life for too long
Back now to nature
Within a "five syllables poem 五言诗",there is numerous possibilities of combination, and absolute freedom to arrange word orders, creating various rythmes: verbs and subjects are often only implied, adjectives or adverbes could play the role of verb.
I included Pinyin to show the rimes, although the keybord does not allow to indicate the tones that are also an important part of the game.
Most of the aesthetic figures are difficult to translate. I therefore try to indicate below.
1) While most of the verses are at least partially parallelled, In this pair of verses, every word, from noums to verbs, in the upper verse is orderly related to the one in the lower verse.
(2) Parallel of numbers
3) "Double words" 暖暖 and 依依in this pair describe both the movements and their manners.
(4) Parallel with opposites 有 have and 无 have not
Auguest 2023
孔融 Kong Rong (151-208),
六言诗 (poem with six syllables)
guo li feng zheng wei fei
qian du chang an si gui
zhan wang guan dong ke ai
meng xiang Cao gong gui lai
Tumults by Guo and Li
Unlivable Chang An
Devastated Eastern land
Dream for Sir Cao's return
July 2023
陈琳 Chen Lin(?-217),
chen lun zong shu jian
yu shi wu you shu
yu yu huai shang jie
shu zhan you he you
Fallen in the crowd
No more distinction
Holding wound and scars
No chance to relax
June 2023
Wang Can 王粲 (177-217)
Seven sadnesses* (part II)
Jing Zhou** not my home
Why should I stay long
Square boat in river
A sudden sunset
Dusk on high mountains
Roches double their shadow
Foxes run to their holes
Birds fly to forest
Sounds of waves are loud
Monkeys' cry ashore
Strong winds raised my sleeves
Frost wetted my robe
Sleepless night alone
Fingers cross guitar
Strings have feelings
How sad is the air
My endless journey
And heavy worries
七哀诗* (其二)
jing man fei wo xiang
he wei jiu zhi yin
fang zhou shu da jiang
ri mu chou wo xin
shan gang you yu ying
yan a zeng chong yin
hu li chi fu xue
fei niao xiang gu lin
liu bo ji qing xiang
hou yuan lin an yin
xun feng fu shang mei
bai lu zhan yi jin
du ye bu neng mei
she yi qi fu qing
si tong gan ren qin
wei wo fa bei yin
ji lu wu zhong ji
you si zhang nan ren
*七哀, name of a musical air, and a poetical form from Yue Fu Ge Ci 乐府歌辞
**City of Jing Zhou 荆州 was considered as a still wild place.
May 2023
Jie Yu Pian 吁嗟篇(1)
By 曹植 Cao Zhi
As a fleabane flower
How hard to exist
Out of the main plant
Restless day and night
So many roads crossed(2)
And those dead fields
Sudden turning wind
Blowed me to clouds
Sky thought to be home
But here I plunged
A storm carried me
Back onto my land
Unable to say
Where I could go
Floating in wonder
Up and down
Many lacs covered
and summits reached
Such endless journey
Who knows the fatigue
Let me be forest grass
Burned in automne fire
Let me bear the pain
When rejoining roots
Translator's notes:
(1) Poem following a form of 乐府歌辞 Yue Fu Ge Ci (see previous years' presentations in this site) "Ku Han Xing 苦寒行". 吁嗟: sigh
(2) parallel in two verses:
- 东西 / 南北 (from east to west / from south to north = meaning "everywhere")
- 经 / 越 (verbs: pass by / cross)
- 七 / 九 (numbers, meaning "numerous")
- 佰 / 阡 (nouns: road and field)
yu jie ci zhuan peng
ju shi he du rAN
chang qu ben geng si
shu ye wu xiu xiAN
dong xi jing qi mo
nan bei yue jiu qiAN
zhu yu hui fen qi
cui wo ru yun jiAN
zi wei zong tian lu
hu ran xia cheng yuAN
jing biao jie wo chu
gu gui bi zhong tiAN
dang nan er gen bei
wei dong er fan xi
dàng dàng dang he yi
hu wang er fu cun
piao yao zhou ba ze
lian pian li wu shAN
liu zhuan wu heng chu
shei zhi wu ku jiAN
yuan wei zhong ling cao
qiu sui ye huo fAN
mi mie qi bu tong
yuan yi gen gai liAN
April 2023
For Mr Ying (Part I)*
Climbing to Bei Mang
Look at Mont Luo Yang
Once lonely city
Palaces all burned off
Broken walls everywhere
Trees touching the sky
No old acquaintances
There's only new youth
No road to put feet
in abandoned fields
Away for too long
Lost when returning
Devasted inner land
with no sign of life
Thinking of the dear ones
I am speechless
Rare are prosperous time
joy of gathering
Infinite is world
Morning dew is fate
Best wishes to my friend
Safe journey to north
Meet in Luo Yang now
Best wine is prepared
Is the banquet poor?
Cups are not emptied.
Difficult farewell
How languishing to me
Mountains and rivers
will stand between us
I would like to fly
together like birds
Luo Yang 洛阳 city was once burned to zero, the poet was recalling that fall, writing from the newly rebuilt, seemingly still prosperous capital. But he also described the rapid decline of his family's ruling, after travelling in the country.
Version originale avec pinyin (note about the pronounciation and rhyme)
送应氏 (其一)
bù deng bei mang bAN
yao wàng luo yang shAN
luo yang he ji mò
gong shi jìn shao wen
huan qiang jie dun piAN
ji jin shang can tiAN
bu jian jiu lao lao
dàn du xin shào niAN
cè zhu wu xing jing
huang chou bu fù tiAN
you zi jiu bù gui
bu shi mo yi qiAN
zhong ye he xiao tiao
qian li wu ren yAN
niàn wo ping chang jù
qi jie bù neng yAN
qing shi nan lu de
jià huì bu ke chANG
tian dì wu zong ji
ren mìng ruo zhao shuANG
yuan de zhan xian wAN
wo you zhi shùo fANG
qing nè bìng ji sòng
zhì jiu ci he yANG
zhong kui qi du bo?
ben yin bu jìn shANG
ai zhì wang ku sheng
qi bù kui zhong chANG
shan cuan zhu qie yuan
bie cu hui ri chANG
yuàn wei bi yi niao
si yu qi gao xiANG
March 2023
曹植 Cao Zhi (L'an 192-232)
Miscellaneous Poems (2)*
Rootless poncho grasse
Floating in the air
Sudden hurricane
Brought it into clouds
That celestial road
Is never ending
Like a grass he is
Blowed far to the front
Wearing gross cotton
Eating wild leaves
But no more complain
That'll make me older
Cao Zhi was the forth son of Cao Cao, king of Wei. He was the preferred child, Cao Cao even considered him as successor, so he sent him to war to "harden his wings". But Cao Zhi liked more his wine than the power. When the eldest son Cao Pi became king, Cao Zhi was sent far away from the capital center.
杂诗其二 (曹植)
zhuan pen li ben gEN
piao piao shui chang fEN
he yi hui yan ju
chui wo ru yun zhong
gao gao shang wu ji
tian lu an ke qiONG
lei ci you ke zi
juan qu yuan cong rÒNG
mao he bu yan xing
hei lei chang bu cONG
qu qu mu fu dAO
cheng you ling ren lAO
February 2023
Visiting the Lac Xuan Wu, by 曹丕 Cao Pi (187-226)
Hang out with brothers
Driving till city gate
Wild fields worked out with
Irrigation lines
How well grown the plants
Water runs within
With chestnuts, rice and
Cotten rose flowers
Row of bambou greens
Lightly surround the lac
Small boat, distant land
Concert of birds songs
The wind disturbing
Lemna and algae
Worries gone in this
Eternal scenery
January 2023
A difficult journey “苦寒行”
By Cao Cao 曹操 (155-220)
The title of the poem was from "Yue Fu Ge Ci 乐府歌辞 Collection of songs and poems by the Musique House". Like lots of poets of his time, he wrote about the new in a form of the old.
The Mountains Tai Hang
How impressing(1)!
Narrow, uneven,
Broken wheels on road
Chilly forest sounds
Under northern wind
In front bears sitting
Nearby tigers cry
Rare men in valleys
Heavy snow flying (2)
Long sigh, many thoughts
On this long journey
How much longing for
The day of return
Deep water no bridge
Stucken, wandering
Confused directions
Where to rest at dusk
Away the day shying
Hungry men and horses
The branches picking
Rice cooked with ice
That poem "East Mountains"(3)
Sadly in my ears (4)
巍巍, a double (repeated) word 叠词,both adverb and adjectif, to describe visually and musically a state of mind, a movement, etc. A figure often seen in early popular songs collected in "Yue Fu Ge Ci 乐府歌辞", then frequently used by poets, and also in daily language, till today. Very difficult to fully translate this into western languages.
(2) 霏霏, another 叠词,to describe the way heavy snow flies and falls
(3) 《东山》, title of a poem made by the keen of Zhou on his way of return from a lasting conquest. This is an exemple of evoking and condensing a reference 典故 into a word, its use amplifies the content of a short poem.
A considerable part of Chinese vocabulary is made of such references, called 成语 cheng yu, idiomatic expressions, words coming from references commonly acknowledged such as stories, events, names, quotes, titles of books, famous verses, etc..
(4) 悠悠, another 叠词, usually to describe a melody or a slow movement or a romantic state of mind, somehow lasting but not always obvious
December 2022
“古诗十九首” “The nineteen old poems" 18
From afar he sent
Embroidered silk piece
Ten thousands of miles
Still old days' feelings
Yuan yang on the fabric*
Sewed into a quilt
Long brocade inside
With solid closure
When we make our mind
Who could divide us?
Yuanyang is a delicate bird symbolizing lasting love. The English dictionary calls it "mandarin duck". I decide not to translate, because of the sacred nature of the word.
Under the clear moon
Songs of crickets
A sky full of stars
Alioth at Meng Dong (1)
White frost over grass
A whole new season
Cicada on trees
Xuan Niao fly away (2)
My old colleagues
Rosen to high clouds
Friendship forgotten
Reduced to traces
Nan Ji and Bei Dou (3)
Powerless is Qian Niu (4)
No stone relations
How vain is the fame?
Meng Dong 孟东, also called Li Dong 立冬, one of 24 solar terms, the first month of the winter, in the traditional calendar.
(2) Xuan Niao 玄鸟, also called Yan Zi 燕子, legendary divine bird appearing frequently in literature and paintings through out of the history. The English dictionary names it as "swallow". I decide not to translate.
(3) Nan Ji 南箕, stars position indicating troubles caused by rumours; Bei Dou 北斗,stars position indicating fights and death, according to Taoists.
(4) Qian Niu 牵牛 (Altair)
November 2022
'"The Nineteen old poems"
So cold the year end
Crying moles at dusk
Does the traveller
Have warm clothes?
Silk linens left here
Wedding is farewell
Alone for long nights
He comes to my dream
Happy as before
Riding me in car
Hand in hand we laugh
On our way to home
Soon he disappeared
My room still empty
Lucky birds in wind
How could I fly?
Looking at their wings
Sending my message
October 2022)
"The Nineteen old poems" (14)
The dead becomes far
How close when alive (1)
Out of the city
Abandoned graveyard
Crops growing on tombs
Cedars become logs (2) (3)
Birch leaves in the wind
What a chilling sound
Dream to return home
but where is the road
1) In this pair of verses, there are parallels:
去者/日以/疏 verb used as noun / adv same word / adj
来者/日以/亲 verb used as noun / adv same word / adj
The second verse echoes the first with anti-theses:
来者 vs 去者, 亲 vs 疏
(2) Another parallel, but with synonym, instead of anti-these:
古墓/犁为/田 noun / verb transforming / noun
松柏/摧为/薪 noun / verb transforming / noun
(3) Cedars, evergreen trees symbolizing eternality, were planted near graveyard
September 2022
"The nineteen old poems" (12)
Long and high walls (1)
Circle sculptured roofs (2)
Autumn wind rise strong
Plants all lost colour
Seasons keep changing
How fast a year passes! (3)
Sad songs of morning birds
And crying crickets
Let the feelings run
Why retain oneself!
A city full of
beautiful girls
Silk dresses in wind
With sounds of guitar
How sad their music
How intense the notes
My mind goes far
My paces slowed down
Swallows in couple (4)
Building their nest
The poem was made in front of a panorama of Luo Yang (洛阳), capital city from Sang Epoch 1600 BCE to Sui Epoch 605 ACE.
逶迤: uneven line like a moving snake
“岁(year, age)暮(dusk, sunset)”,a combined double word, difficult to describe its poetical content. Considered as visually beautiful from calligraphic point of vue. Still in use today in literary works and in songs.
燕 Swallows, is a symbol of true love since antiquity till now, presented frequently in poetry, paintings and songs. The calligraphic beauty of this word, as well as the connotation of its pronunciation, is not translatable with the English term.
August 2022
"The nineteen old poems" (10)
Far above he is (1)
How bright she is 2)
Such fine long fingers
Lasting sounds from loom
Yet nothing takes shape
Tears run down like rain
Over that shallow
river of clear lights
What distance to cross
Silent loving eyes
In classical Chinese, the vocabulary is mostly monosyllabe. In this poem, is largely used the method of repeating a monosyllabe adj or adv, (迢迢, 皎皎, 纤纤, 札札, 盈盈, 脉脉 in order to form a double syllabe word for its sonority and also to emphasize a state of being. This figure existes even today, sometimes, often in poetry and songs (慢慢地走 = 很慢地走 to walk very slowly, 甜甜地笑= 笑得很甜 to smile sweetly)
2) Legendary impossible love story between a cowherd from the earth and a weaver girl from heaven. They were only allowed to meet in the sky once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month (agricultural calendar), crossing the galaxy.
Often, in this poetry, and also sometimes in contemporary songs, legendary tales, and historical anecdotes or events are used allusively, to tell author's own story and expresse his /her thoughts or feelings.
July 2022
"The nineteen old poems" (8)
A lonely bambu
settled near mountains
When married we were
cuscuta with usnea.
Plants do not last
our union is short
Far away from home
beyond vast hills
Youth lost in sorrow
where is the fancy car!
A cymbidium
with bright blossom
Left alone it will
faint with automne grass
Loyal as you are
how can I complain?
1) A case of parallelism:
"生有时“ verb - verb - noun used as adv
Literal translation:
to be alive - has - limited time
"会有宜“ verb - verb - noun used as adv
Literal translation:
To be together - is determined by - circumstances
"Shen you shi" / "Hui you yi"
平仄平 仄仄平
The husband, like many at that time, went away to seek promotion. He is supposed to come back home successful, with a beautiful car.
"君” (lord) is a very loving and respectful term to call one's own husband
June 2022
”The nineteen old poems 古诗十九首“
Harvesting lotus (1)
A lac of sweetgrass
Pick up some for whom?
The one far away
Looking back to old town (2)
But endless journey
Hearts were teared apart (3)
Aging in sorrow (4)
1) The first subject is a lady working in a lac to gather lotus roots for food.
2) Change of subject here: a man on exil thinking about hometown
3) In this "five syllabes poem (五言诗)”,every verse is of different syntax, except the last group of two verses sharing the same pattern:
adv combined word "同心"/ adv coordination 连词 "而"/ verb serving as adv describing a state of action or being "离" / verb "居"
adv combined word 忧伤 / adv coordination 连词 "以" / verb serving as adv describing a state of action or being "终" / verb "老"
However, as a rule that will be further developed in the following decades and centuries, in this group, the two verses follow the same grammatical pattern, but diverse themselves in the tones. Ancient poetry was chanted. There were many tones for each and different words. There are left four tones in modern Chinese language: -, /, v, ` . The first two tones are labelled as "Ping 平", the last two tones as "Ze 仄".
The tones pattern here is therefore: ping ping ze ping ping 平平仄平平/ ping ping ze ping ze 平平仄平仄 We shall have occasions to come back to this quite important characteristic of the more and more codified variation of tones.
4) The rime is all on the second verse of each group: 草 cao, 道 dao, 浩 hao, 老 lao.
May 2022
The Nineteen old poems 古诗十九首
Today's good party
Unspeakable joies
Guitar reaching far (1)
New piece of music (2)
Deep words in the songs
The truth in the airs 3)
Sharing same wishes
Though nothing is said
Duration of one life
As floating dust
Why not to climb
Nor to aim spots?
Why not to act ?
Humble hardship.
1) 奋 intense, strengthful
2) 逸 piano, soft, flying far
3) 入神 in extase, beyond life
April 2022
The Nineteen old poems 古诗十九首
Green green river grass,*
Heavy heavy is
The garden willow.
Lightly lightly she sits
Nicely nicely at the window.
Sweet sweet red powder,
Slim slim white hands.
Singer in the past,
Married to an unstable,
who is not returning.
Difficult to keep
The empty bed alone.
Here, the words "青”,“郁”,“盈”,“皎”,“娥” and “纤” are adjectifs used as adverbs, each repeated side by side to form a combined word describing an active state. The repetition also create a rythme. This method is commonly observed in Yue Fu 乐府 songs.
March 2022
Contemporary songs
Coolen fireworks
Words by Fang Wenshan 方文山
Music by Zhou Jielun 周杰伦
Noice of prosperity,
Door to the empty room
Tiring so many
Dreams turn cold
Already lifetime
How far indebted for love
If you silently accept,
if you hopelessly wait
In that tower with floating images
how many broken floors
Broken is whose soul
The pain runs straight
Towards a weak light
A crushed door in the mountain
Let me wait
Till history again turns over
Till the wine tastes good
Till you play something
On an ancient guitar
Listening to the youth
The much envied laughters
That history book
Never tolerated tenderness
All is written with much cruelty
Fireworks are easy to kill
People and events, easy to divide
But you are asking if I am serious
A thousand years later
Feelings are accumulated
Who will still be waiting
And that blue book of history
how can it be wrong
Just as a book of Wei
Found in the city of Luo Yang
You followed me
Crossing the gate of the other life
Into the red dust
Wandering always
Under the fine rain
The grass is deep in our hometown
I was told you have still been alone
The city's gate has lost its paint
The root of an old tree remains nearby
On the stone paved street
I heard this: wait longer
Under the light rain
The grass has grown wild in our hometown
I was told you have been staying here
While everybody has left
An air of flute is floating outside the city
and then disappear into a remote village
Our destiny together is falling to the ground
And taking its root and becoming WE
We, in that dark blue temple,
listen to the rain
and hope to last
- Wei (魏)Northern kingdom 403BCE-225ACE
- Luo Yang (洛阳)Capital city where the Kingdom of Jin 晋 settled in after having replaced Wei. Located in today's Henan Province.
February 2022
"MuLin", seconde part (from Yue fu songs)
Running to battles fields far away, crossing the frontlines in the mountains as if wing-mounted. The northern wind bringing the midnight sounds of drum (1). The icy moonlight shining on solders' and generals' armour. Hundreds of battles, many lives lost. Heroes got home a decade later.
His majesty received them in the palace. Rewards were distributed. One asked Mulin about her wishes. She did not want a high ranked position in the capital. Instead, she asked for a good horse, in order to quickly reach her hometown.
Having had the news of her return, Mulin's parents, in their old age, went out of the city to meet her. Her eldest sister started to put on make-up. Her youngest brother butchered a pig. Mulin went straight to her own rooms, sit on her bed. She took off her army gear, put on her old days' clothes. In front of her mirror near the window, she arranged her hairs soft as clouds, sticked a yellow flower on her forehead.
At the gathering with her friends met in the battlefields, they were very surprised to discover that Mulin was a lady (2).
1) The gardiens at night walk around and through the city every a few hours, using a drum to mark the different blocs of nightly time.
2) Mulin needed to disguise herself as a man to be able to become a soldier.
Second part
The divorced lady went to see her mother. Everywhere she went, she carried the dishonour as her shadow. Her mother, not expecting this out-coming, clapped her hands with surprise: "I taught you weaver when you were thirteen. At fourteen you were able to make clothes. At fifteen you could play guitar. At sixteen you know rules and politeness. At seventeen I married you out very well, thinking you wouldn't disappoint your husband's family. What you have done there, so that you are sent back here, this way, without notice?" Lan-Zhi told her mother:" I am really innocent." Her mother then felt great sorrow.
A dozen of days after her return, the district leader sent them a matchmaker. According to her, his third son was about eighteen years' old, handsome, and already eloquent and well-versed.
The mother told the daughter to deal with this mariage proposal herself.
Lan-Zhi answered with tears: "On the day of my departure, my husband reminded me again and again that we will never let ourselves separated. If I now break such a promise, I am afraid a new mariage will not bring me happiness. Please feel free to decline this proposal, and let us discuss later on."
Lan-Zhi's mother frankly told the person: "Our poor and humble family has such a daughter that she was juste sent back home from her husband's family. If she was unable to be a small mandarin's wife, how could she suit a district leader's son? Please inform yourself more widely. I cannot give a quick consent."
A few days later, came another matchmaker. He said he already proposed a girl from a titled family to the district leader's son. Then he informed Lan-Zhi's family that the mayor's fifth son was nice and still single: "Since the mayor wishes his son to marry Lan-Zhi, I come to your respectable door to deliver the good news."
Lan-Zhi's mother thanked him: "My daughter already made promise to someone. Me an old mother do not have a say on the matter."
Lan-Zhi's eldest brother, when hearing this conversation, became very irritated. He turned to his sister, and said:"Why you do not think twice when making a decision! You married a small mandarin first, now you'll have the opportunity to marry a gentleman's son. This is a difference between the sky and the ground. What an honour to you! If you refuse such a mariage, what will be your future?"
Lan-Zhi raised her head and answered:"My brother is right. I left home to serve my husband's family. I didn't expect I would have to come back to live under my brother's roof. I want to behave well to the eyes of my brother. How dare I to be capricious? Although I have commitment with my former husband, our reunion will be impossible. You can right now give them the consent, I will remarry."
The matchmaker stood up and expressed his great satisfaction. He went back with this good news to the mayor his employer: "I, your humble worker, have well-accomplished the mission. The family reacted very positively, so there will be a happy union." (1) The mayor was very happy. He consulted the calendar and the book of fortunes, and found they should marry the two young people within the month, the six positions of both the sun and the moon being in harmony. The thirtieth would be the perfect day. It was already the twenty-seventh. The mayor asked the matchmaker to organize the wedding. Words were spread, everybody was hurrying, people, cars and boats running as floating clouds. Boats were painted blue et white birds, flags embroidered with dragons fluttering at their four corners. Golden cars with jade tires advanced in the wind. Horses with white and black hairs slowed their paces, golden tassels hanging down from the seats. Three million coins were attached by blue cords. Three hundreds rolls of colourful cotton. Delicacies from Guangzhou's market. Four to five hundred people gathered at the mayor's property.
The mother asked the daughter: "The mayor just sent us a letter. Tomorrow they will come to assist your departure and your journey to your new home. Why you are not yet preparing your dress? Please do not fail the matter!"
The daughter said no word, covered her face with a handkerchief, her tears falling as rain. She moved her chair decorated with coloured glaze to the front window. She took scissors and a rule in her left hand, a big piece of silk in her right hand. In the morning she made a double layer skirt. In the evening she finished a very thin shirt. The sun was retreating more and more. She kept crying about the upcoming event.
Le former husband of Lan-Zhi, having heard the news, asked for a leave. When he arrived close to Lan-Zhi's home, his horse started to neigh sadly. The wife recognized the horse's voice, she put on shoes and hurried out. With a heavy heart she looked afar, knowing who was coming. When her husband approached, she raised her hand to tap the horse. "Since my husband left me, she said with a deep sigh, too many things happened, not as I wished before, and yet my husband cannot know the details. I have my parents, plus my brothers pushed me hard. They promised me to another man. What else can you hope?"
The husband said to his young wife: "Congratulations for your moving up. The big stone is still heavy, it will remain a thousand years. The reed can be resistant for a moment, but it gives in fast. You will become a noble lady, and I will alone face the yellow stream (2)!"
The wife exclaimed: "Why you speak this way! We are both unable to control our fate. If you go to the yellow stream, so will I. Let us meet down there. Do not forget our words today!" They hold each other's hands for a moment, then parted away to their own home. What a farewell between a couple so young, and yet already under the shadow of death. They found no word to express their despair. Their only wish now was to quit this world, and to never try to survive without dignity.
The husband went to announce his decision to his mother: "Today the wind is cold, the cold wind is destroying trees. Heavy frost is damaging the orchid in our garden. Today your son, like dusk, will soon be gone, leaving behind his longly mother. I made the plan myself, please no longer blame ghosts and gods. I hope your destiny will be as solid as a southern mountain stone, and your health very good."
The mother's tears were running when the son spoke. "You are son of an honourable family, you have a position in the municipality. Absolutely do not take your own life away just for a woman. You and that woman are not of same rank, it is not wrong for you to leave her. Our east side neighbour has a good daughter. Her beauty is famous in the city. Let your mother go to ask her to marry you, the answer will arrive within a day."
The son prostrated and withdrew. His long sigh resonated in his empty room. Then he made his mind. He looked around his room, in very tensed mood.
On the wedding day, horses and cattle screamed. Lan-Zhi was guided into a blue tent (3). At the sunset, the quiet was back. "My destiny ends today, she thought, my soul will leave even if my body remains!" She took off her silk shoes, and holding her skirt, she went down to the clear water in the pond.
When her husband heard the news, he understood there would be no more hope. He wondered for some time under a tree in his garden. Then he chose a south-est facing (4) branch to hang himself.
The families agreed to bury the young couple together, and to settle them near the mountain Hua. Parasol trees were planted at both sides. Their branches meets, their leaves are connected. A couple of birds came to reside on the trees. Their names are Yuan and Yang (5). They sing to each other every day, till mid night. People passing here would stop, to listen to the birds. Widows would have their mind confused by the song. Thanks to the coming generations, to keep the lesson unforgotten.
2) 黄泉 (huang quan), place to live after life, for the non-enlightens.
3) From late Han dynastie to Tang time, in the Northern regions, people celebrated weddings in a blue tent set up beside the house.
4) The young wife's family lives south-est of the husband's city. South-est, for Feng Shui (风水) believers, is also considered a positive and hopeful direction.
5) This sort of bird is considered as love bird, still today.
To the north shore I wish
to send plum flowers.
So black are her hairs,
her coat, abricot red.
Where is Xi Zhou? Just
a few strokes of oars away.
Shrikes leave at sunset;
Winds blow through ube tree.
Here she steps out of home
with an emerald tin.
Absent is her lover,
she goes to the southern pond.
The automne flowers
of lotus merged with her.
She picks the lotus seeds,
Pure as water they are.
In her sleeves she holds
the seeds with read heart.
In vain she expects him,
Watching the flying swans
in the crowded Xi Zhou's sky,
She climbs to viewpoint.
For all days long, there
she leans on the railing.
The railing zig-zags afar,
her hands hang down like jade.
The high sky, outside,
ripples like green sea.
The sea wonders as the mood;
your sorrow is mine.
If the south wind knows me
it'll blow my dream to Xi Zhou
My seasons full of
Tears and songs, when
departing on my phoenix
Moonlight covers the galaxy
The automne wind rises
bringing fresh joy
Free from the clouds
I run to the moon
- Romantic legend of the cowherd (牛郎)and the weaving girl (织女). They are both gods in the sky, and they can be seen as two stars. The weaving girl is a granddaughter of the celestial keen. After she met with the cowherd, she stopped to weave clothes made of clouds for the keen. The keen separated the couple with galaxy, allowing them reunion only on the seventh day of the seventh month each year, according to Chinese agricultural calendar.
This day is still celebrated today among other traditional holidays.
- Both songs seem to be written by a woman who might be expressing her own sorrows and joys through the legend of the weaving girl.
The bambu flute is only an instrument
borrowed by the sounds so pure so light
From where comes the charm of a song?
Voice and intensity guided by the heart
Arriving at the viewpoint,
Sudden cheerfulness.
The river quietly runs below
Pure and cool.
Perfuming as the orchid
At the waterfront
In the sky,
A golden swan is flying high
My bow is ready
Oh let me reach this bird
Let me live till eternalty
Oh the highest ! I wish you know my feelings,
And my love will last forever.
For me to part from you,
The mountains must become plains,
The river must dry out,
The thunder must strike in the middle of winter,
The snow must fall in summer,
The sky and the planet must become one.
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