Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Anpil bagay
Anvayi zie li
Pou sèl fwa nan lavi li
San tan daj lap krie
Des souvenirs
Envahissent ses yeux
Première fois de sa vie
La centenaire pleure
Nan guo an fou
Chong feng jiu meng hou
An ji chen shi qie lan shou
Gu shi lian jiu yi nian
How's the south
Since we reunited
Dust veils the temple's table
Lonely year, poem and wine
Can mei an xiang
Fu ying han yu shuang
Chun feng bu fen nan bei xiang
Zi you cang mang duan chang
Plum blossoms fall
Subtle scent lingers
Spring winds know not south from north
In wilderness their reign varies.
Xin sui jiu shi
Fan zhi luan yan cui
Wen zhang shi wai chun yi cui
Gu fu jiang dong xin si
New Year,old tales
What a lush, green sight
Words become drunk, off the world
Thinking little of river's flow.
Qing yun wan xia
Han yan luo ren jia
Sha ou ji mo du tian ya
Jin yu er yin xin xia
A sunset glow
Brings cold smokes to homes
A lone gull gliding far and high
Its call resonates deep.
Cang hai xiong feng
Shu juan chun qiu gong
Sang tian you xin si wu tong
nai he qian zi wan hong
Against sea winds
Pages about past endeavors
The barren land yearns for trees
Yet flowers bloom anew.
Early sunset
Frigid without end
Isolation has beset
Oh hello my good friend
(Translation by Annabella Hu)*
Wǎn xiá rǎn tiān (普通话拼音Common Chinese pronounciation)
máahn hàh yíhm tīn (广东话拼音Cantonese pronounciation)
Hán yì wú biān jì
hòhn yi mòuh bīn jai
Gū lì mí màn sì fāng tiān
gū laahp nèih maahn sei fōng tīn
Nǐ hǎo wǒ de zhì yǒu
néih hóu ngóh dīk ji yáu
vi följer samma koltrast
med fingrarna över staden från
vår kulle och de gula fältens enormitet
får oss och blommorna att tupplura
we finger-trace the same
blackbird across the city from
our hill and the yellow fields’ enormity
makes us and the flowers nap
Wei wen jing lei
Ban ye xue sheng jing
Can yue xie zhao shu zhuang tai
Que bu jian, gu ren lai
Pas de tonnerre
La nuit neige sans bruit
La lune tombe sur la coiffeuse
Mais elle n’est pas venue
Stunned thunder
The night snows in silence
Moonlight on the dressing table
But she is not coming
Peinture par 刘澎 Peng Liu
Huile sur canvas
Moelle osseuse (extrait)
Ma tête pleine de
paroles inventées
Terminaisons infinies
Langue de tous et d’aucun
Chez mon grand-père
Déjà tout un monde
Plus d’avions à rattraper
De noms étrngers
Bone marrow (extract)
My head hurting
With a hundred endings
a verb born from a language
that everyone could speak
Could grand-pa’s pond
Become the whole world
With no planes to catch
We would scream the same names
Feng chun cao lu
Zhao lu shi wan ti
Ju qing zhu die xian qie yi
Ke zhi han dong he qu
Little Donkey
Upon spring grass,
Morning dews wet feet.
Chewing grass, chasing butterflies
Forgotten cold winter
***A painting by the author
Gu ying zho li
Ying ban yu wei yang
Ruan shi pu chen qian gu shi
Wu wen jing dai fang hua
A daffodil blooming
In lone she stands
Her white petals speak
Admid pebbles a story unfolds
No praise and no eyes seek
A photograph by the author
She wu chun xiao
Rui xue song han xiao
Mei hua chu kai ying cui zhu
Qun fang fen jing yao rao
Spring dance of snake
Snow send away the cold
Plum blossom with new bamboo
All flowers enchanted
***A photograph by the author
The beat goes on
Howling through the wind
Their silent wrath creep upon
Drain and neglect within
***A photograph by the author
Nian qian xiao zui
Shun jian shi wan li
Ying shi chu chu you chun gui
Mo lu gu yi dan hui
Une table tiède
Derrière l’océan
Partout revient le printemps
Chemin calme, chaises vides, les jours
That warm table
Already beyond
But Spring should be everywhere
Chairs on a trail, and the days
“I am the wolf of solace” (extract)
Others running
With lust in their grip
Only a whisper from me
Soothing balms in the frenzy
Note: Painting by the author
Roi, marionnette
Perclus d’or sanglant
Entends-tu tous ces massacres
En moi, mendiant d’Amour ?
König, Puppe
Aus blutigem Gold
Hörst Du diese Massaker
In mir, Bettler der Liebe ?
King, puppet
Made of bloody Gold
Do you hear these massacres
In me, beggar of Love ?
Photography by the author
Hundinuial kasukas seljas
ja pilliroog krõbiseb tuules.
Käsi, mis kindast väljas,
kangestub pakase puutest.
Nii jääbki pilt tegemata.
Kevad on juba õhus
Kevad on juba õhus,
suvi sätib ennast teele,
sügis koperdab kaugustes
ja talve, talve pole veel
Traduction de Françoise adaptée en forme Qing Ping
"Moins 23 reseenti"
Dans sa fourrure
Roseau des étangs
Et le jonc craque au vent
Main raidie, sans photo
"Le printemps est déjà dans l'air"
Printemps dans l'air
L'été est en route
L'autonme tâtonne au loin
L'hiver n'existe pas encore!
Extrait de "Sentier côtier"
Le vent qui tord
Les troncs et les os
Le ressac brode l’infini
Cette pluie de nuit que j’aime
Après tempête
Tombe la clôture
Sans l’esprit de fief, de joie
Dans les remous je plonge
Ni mo ni ou
Map viv nan yon vid
Kote ou ye sou la tè
Ap ranni nwit vid la
Sans mot sans toi
Un vide à vivre
Où es-tu sur la terre
Bêle la nuit du vide
Au creux des feuilles
Le temps immense
Les avant-premières lueurs
La nuit du désir d'être
Distance de l'aube
L'univers respire
Invisible rayon solaire
Flamme et ténèbre s'unissent
parṇānāṃ garbhe
ameyaḥ kālaḥ
atyādyāḥ prabhāḥ
viśvam aniti
पर्णानां गर्भे
अमेयः कालः।
अत्याद्याः प्रभाः
विश्वम् अनिति।
In the hollow of the leaves
The endless time
The first lights
The night of desire to be
Distance from dawn
The universe breathes
Invisible sunshine ray
Flame and darkness coalesce
He tips the scales
To rebuke Themis
And subdue the world, dismayed
Justice never caught on.
Upsetting the balance
He refutes her judgements
Like an insolent child –
Though he is immortal
**Artwork by the author
"Five by Five", mixed media, oil on canvas and steel, 2012
비밀/le secret/secret
시를 쓰려 - [si-lɘl-ssɘ-ljɔ]
마음을 보니 - [ma-ɘm-ɘl-bo-ni]
빈 자리 덩그러니 - [bin-za-li-dœ̃-gɘ-lɔ-ni]
네 이름만 보여 - [nɛ-i-lɘm-man-bo-jɔ]
그리운가 - [gɘ-li-un-ga]
되묻고보니 - [dwe-mug-go-bo-ni]
그리운 건 너일까 - [gɘ-li-un-gɔn-nɔ-il-ka]
그때, 우리일까 - [gɘ-te-u-li-il-ka]
Au fond du coeur
mots et vers cherchés
Je n'ai vu que ton nom
dans les chambres ridées
Je m'interroge
me manquerais-tu?
Ou serait-ce nous d'alors
que j'y avais murés
Looking for words
to rhyme these verses
Only letters of your name
in the creases of my heart
Question to myself -
have I missed you so
Or is it us of that time
that my heart had tucked away?
The more I climb
The harder it gets
I stop to smell the roses
And I have no regrets
峨眉山居士E mei shan ju shi
Lin you Jing yuan
bi xi yi shan zhuan
qing feng mi yu xi zhu huan
ce shou yong zhi qian wan
Emei Mountain Hermit
Deep path leads into forest
creeks circle around high mountains
fresh breeze, dense rain embrace green bamboos
tilting them, holding in arms
Note: Painting by the author
Translation and notes by 须勤 Xu Qin
Da yin xiao cheng
Chun hua xi wu sheng
Gu zhi he shi zai chong sheng
Han xiang shu yu man cheng
Spring in Shanghai
Amidst crowds or alone
Spring blooms in silence
Awaiting one chance to shine
Cold perfume on wet street.
The Chinese term 大隐 (da yin) refers to the practice of "retirement" or "seclusion" in order to lead a peaceful and meditative existence.
小乘 (xiao cheng) refers to the Mahayana Buddhist doctrine that emphasizes individual liberation through personal enlightenment.
Liu zhuan sha ou
Qing shan bu zhi qiu
Dan yan shu yu liu chao yue
Zhuo jiu gu qin tong zhou
Qinhuai River's wind and moon
Seagulls gliding
Mountains yellowing
An ancient moon in light smoke
Murky wine, a lone quilt.
The Qinhuai River (秦淮) flows through Nanjing, which served as the capital city of ancient China during six different dynasties. Today, the river continues to be an important landmark in Nanjing, attracting residents and visitors alike with its beauty and charm.
菊 Chrysanthemum
Feng qi gao cao
Ju hua wu pian jian
Ning wang qiu ri qie yi le
Qing xin zi ran ru dao
Amidst tall grasses
Mums the word this month
Bringing joy to all who witness
Their domain never annoys
Songes brumeux
Au nuage mon pays
Deux décennies envolées
Errant en sol lointain
Toughts wandering
Homeland veiled in clouds
In a flash, twenty years gone
A soul in foreign land
Traduction par Dany Filion
Note sur le tableau
Untitled, oil on canvas, 60x40 cm
Copper and steel,
Ringing dawn to dusk,
Eagerly precede towers
Built upon childhood dreams.
Note: watercolor by Elisa
Yet the wind goes
But to where, who knows
Still, with time, the seasons change
So too, the dead who age
Forty years dust
Washed away with wines
From afar, not a stranger
Holiday with schoolmates
On windy nights
and scattering rain,
drenched and cold, cycling in pain,
still, the city excites.
Lao xiang shen men
Ren qu chui wen cun
Ceng jing duo shao qiu yu chun
Jing xiao liu lian huang hun
Allée profonde
Maison encore tiède
Tant de choses du passé
Dans ce crépusculaire
Deep way, old door
Memory of warmth
So much gone with the seasons
Now wandering at dusk
Chuter en toi
Ou bien en moi-même
Cela n’est pas une issue
Pour nous trouver l’un l’autre
Pourtant l’amour
Naît depuis la faille
Dans l’aveu d’être brisé
Semblable au pur cristal
In dich fallen
Oder in mich selbst
Dieser Weg ist kein Ausweg
Um uns klar zu finden
Und doch die Liebe
Kommt aus diesem Riss
Im Eingeständnis des Bruchs
Wie ein reines Kristall
Falling in you
Or into myself
This act is not a way out
To find each other here
Yet the true love
Is born from the rift
In confession of a break
Like the purest crystal
꽃이 샘나 추워졌나
추울까봐 꽃이 폈나
내 마음이 추워질까 꽃이 피는구나
Jaloux des fleurs
Le froid printanier serait-il jaloux des bourgeons floraux
Ou les fleurs consolent-elles les derniers vents hivernaux?
Les fleurs percent le froid de mon cœur maussade
Note de l'auteure:
C'est un de mes mots favoris coréens : 꽃샘추위 (kotte-ssém-chou-oui) composé de trois mots - la fleur (kotte) -la jalousie (ssém) -le froid (chou-oui). C'est le froid soudain au printemps quand les fleurs apparaissent - on imagine que l'hiver est jaloux des fleurs, il fait le dernier coup de température.
Sllagh an tzinit ssngh urar a latr nnm
Ssngh awd adu d awal n ifsti nnm
Kmmin kad ighin adi yagh afus
Adasn tinit tidet n tayri nngh
The Insane
You walk by me
I know your footsteps
Only you help me to tell
How true is our love
(adaptation to Qing Ping form according to the translation of Ahmed Amgoune)
On ne sait pas
Ce que chaque jour
Nous apporte pour nourrir
Nos rêves de la nuit
Non si sa mai
Quanto ogni dì
Ci offre per nutrir
I sogni della notte
We do not know
What every day brings
To us in order to feed
All the dreams of our nights
Mai nichi
yoruyumé ni
nan o kureru ka
Note sur l'image:
Une peinture de 张槃(1812-1889)
Poems in Qing Ping form
Image and poems
Mauricio Segura
Sierra Maestra
Matorral húmedo
Avispas astuti
Nos gritos asfixiados
Ruidos de la ciudad
Sierra Maestra
Maquis humide
Des guêpes sournoises
Nous soutirent des cris étouffés
Par des bruits de la ville
Campo de vacaciones
Remo pesado
Mosquitos alle agua gris
Divorcio entre el yo y el mundo
Fin de la infancia
Camp de vacances
Rame lourde
Moustiques sur l'eau grise
Divorce du moi et du monde
Fin de l'enfance
Paseo en el bosque
Madera mojada
Olores ricas
Huellas furtivas de mapache
Quale lentitud de mi maestro
Balade en forêt
Bois mouillé
Feu d'artifices d'odeurs
Traces furtives de raton-laveur
Quelle lenteur de mon maître
Где-то вода
Маленькая шустрая
Рыбка уплывает
A water splash
Glimmered with silver
A small spray fish swam away
Shiny wrinkles behind
Ветер с моря
Прислал мне привет
И взлетели волосы
Как чайки белые
Wind from the sea
Bid me a welcome
And my hair flew with the air
Just like the white seagulls
Ты забудешь
Бури снежные
И ветра холодные
Под песенку птички
You will forget
The snowy blizzards
And the frigid days of wind
When you hear birds sing
Translated from Russian by Natasha Zavadskaia
Все застыло
В ожидании
Наполненном радостью
И прорвалось небо
Everything still
Happiness filling us up
Suddenly the sky broke
Луч пробился
Зайцем на стену
День ползёт и ширится
Заливаясь солнцем
Morning square
Of light on the wall
The day crawls in and expands
Brimming the room with sun
Складками ткань
Земли под тобой
Миниатюрную даль
Невозможно достать
The wrinkled land
Is down below you
Fascinating miniature
Impossible to reach